Muzzy's Story

Our journey began with a whirlwind romance as husband and wife, Karter Zaher and Doaa A. Zaher, ventured to California amidst the chaos of the COVID pandemic in 2020. While Doaa served as an Emergency Room Nurse, Karter, founder of Deen Squad, worked on rebuilding his music career in Los Angeles. With the new prospect of becoming soon-to-be parents, the creative spark ignited, and the magic of Muzzy was born. Our driving force was always:

“Let’s create products that our own children will cherish for years to come.”

Our visionary CEO, Karter Zaher, stands as the driving force behind Muzzy's empowering mission. As the co-founder of Deen Squad, his artistic endeavors have already touched the hearts of countless youth. With Muzzy, Karter continues to inspire a generation to embrace their identities unapologetically.

Our passionate COO, Doaa A. Zaher, and her career as a Hijabi Nurse stands as a shining example of courage and determination for Muslim Women to be successful in the work place. Doaa's unwavering commitment to her academic success sends a powerful message, proving that one's faith is not a barrier, but a source of strength that can propel young minds to achieve greatness in all they pursue. 

Engaging the youth is our passion! We whisk away to schools and community centers to present Hijab tailored workshops and book readings for kids ages 4-13.












Our C.A.R.E core values are etched into our very being, guiding us through every decision:

  • C-reativity First: We dance fearlessly on the edge of imagination. 
  • A-lways Optimistic: Challenges may test us, but our spirits never stray from positivity. 
  • R-emember the Youth: In every stroke of creativity, we keep our children in our minds and hearts. 
  • E-xcellent Storytelling: We weave tapestries of enchantment, taking readers on adventureous journeys.

Come join our magical journey - and together, we can paint the world with vibrant colors , hues of imagination and boundless strokes of creativity.

Muzzy Brand Collections

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